Wednesday, January 23, 2008


I remember in eighth grade when my english teacher tried to get our class interested in blogging. I, along with others, thought it was boring. Instead of something fun, and ineresting for us to read and take part in, it was just a requirement that we had to fill each week. Now that I am older, and have had the chance to read many different types of blogs, wow! I think it is a great piece of technology that everyone should take part of. I think one of the many parts that intrigues me is how many different things that you can do with it. Such as post videos, links to different websites, pictures, maps, and much more. Another part of blogging that interests me is that the amount of topics that are able to blog about, is endless! You want to blog about the caucus, movies, music, news, or food, go right ahead! Heck, you can even blog about popcorn if you wanted! So for me...blogging is cool in my book : )


Dr. Z said...

Glad to hear that you are interested in blogging.

Identify an area of interest for this semester and use this blog to share your explorations. You don't seem to have a title for your blog. Name it to indicate what you want to discuss.

I will suggest other postings as well, but have fun with it.


Molly said...

Wow your teacher started you on blogging in 8th grade??? I don't think I even knew what blogging was then.