Monday, March 31, 2008

The Ideal Classroom

What: For this project we were told to come up with our ideal classroom in small groups. There was no maximum amount of money that we could spend. During this project we were told to come up with a budget, classroom layout, and units that would be taught in our classroom. We then presented our project to the class.

So What: This assignment gave us a chance to collaborate with other students. It also gave us an opportunity to understand the unlimited possibilities that can happen in a classroom. Not only were we able to come up with our own, but were able to hear other people's "Ideal classrooms," as well.

Now What: I did not know of google docs until this class, I have learned how to use google docs and have learned that is a great collaborative tool when working with others, or even alone. This project has been a great opportunity to realize the endless possibilities of how the furniture can be placed in a room, clear to how much technology can be placed in a classroom.

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